Thursday, April 25, 2013

Potty training time!

Madball just wrapped day 2 of being an underwear guy! So proud of our little man. He has been going potty on the pot almost every hour, thanks to his very cool potty watch that sings a song every 30 or 60 minutes to remind him to go. Between gummy penguins, mangos, the watch and of course his train, he will be potty trained soon! :)

A few fun pictures from our time in Orlando.

Piper is having a little swim... In the nude! The water was frigid but she loved it.

This is from my parents beautiful bougainvillea plant. It's so pretty! All of their flowers were starting to bloom all over the yard, it really looked lovely and inviting.

This is Piper at our good friends house, the Middens. She's having a little snack. We had a lovely time swimming and playing with the twins and visiting on their gorgeous patio... They are very special friends and we love them.

Piper and Charlie became pals right off the bat, Charlie took good care of Piper while they played.

Maddox, just relaxing on the lounge chair... Can someone please bring him a strawberry lemonade! With an umbrella!!

Buds! Feet in the pool!

Uncle Nate came out and swam and played with us... He's such a good guy!

We cut the grass naked in Florida...

Piper was constantly putting her little feet in the pool and splashing around. I loved watching her laugh and kick. She's my little fish!

Went to Rocco's Tacos for dinner one night and the kids had fun playing with the machine gun and cowbells... We need more cowbell!

Yes, this is our beautiful auntie Marlie!

Marlie and Piper on the slide... We wish she lived close to us, love her so much!

Lola, Zoe and Chopper... Sitting on their thrown.

Rainy days and chocolate chip cookies!

Yesterday was cold and rainy out... So we stayed inside in our pjs all day long. Maddox decided it was time we used our big mixer to whip up some cookies. And that's just what we did. He was a wonderful assistant, pouring in all the ingredients just so. He repeated everything I said and we even discussed different measurements and what they mean. Then of course we had to sample a few bites of cookie dough... Which was delicious! Piper sampled a cookie from each batch that came out of the oven. After we were done, Maddox took a deep breath, asked for a bottle and said he wanted his Bobbi and want to go to bed!

Visiting the unc's in West Palm Beach...

We decided to head south with my mom for a couple days and visit 2 of my brothers while she had some meetings. Robert had gone back to Ohio already, so it was the kids and I for a week before he returned to pick us up. We had a wonderful time, we played at the fountains on Clematis street, got ice cream from Sloans, walked and Maddox rode his balance bike along the intercostal. Maddox even got to play unca Chris's guitar! It was awesome. We got to see cousin Ty's nursery, it's adorable! Auntie Jenni made a wonderful pasta dinner for us and then we had a slumber party at Uncle Odi's. He has a beautiful flowering hibiscus plant in front of his place. I am so thankful for my wonderful brothers who all took a lot of time to spend with us.

Chris, Piper and I... Eating our wonderful ice cream and loving the sun shine.

Unca Odi and Maddox were flying up and down the docks along the water. Maddox was loving it!

My boy in his hat!

Flying down the dock!

Piper, playing in the fountains, you can see Madball in the background!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Epcot, Brooke's 31st birthday, Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom

We took the kids to Epcot... Every Person Comes Out Tired!
But we still had a great time. It was just the 4 of us and we enjoyed our time together.

Piper and Brooke on Spaceship Earth

The "Nemo" ride was very cool. Maddox loves fish!

Inside our little clam for the ride, don't our kids looked so happy?!?! 

Universe of Energy was a little nap time for our kids, they fell asleep during the ride and then slept for another 45 minute in the lobby... then woke up ready to rock and roll!

End of day at Epcot 

For my 31st we went to the T-Rex restaurant at downtown Disney.
Emily, Nena, Piper, Maddox and Brooke in front of the fountains.

 Family Picture 

We discovered that Maddox has an allergy to Sunblock.
 So we bought him this hat and he wore it almost everywhere we went.  

This train was huge hit, The kids rode it several times. 

Madball riding in the Engine

Then after a few nice train rides the kids cooled off in the fountains

We spent part of the morning at the Lodge... they have a beautiful viewing area with animals. There weren't very many out though, when we were there. But the kids sure enjoyed running around.
I had to keep Piper from running into the pool. She just wanted to be in the water. We ate lunch at the cafe and then walked along the pathway. Maddox was so excited to see all the lizards and "snakes". They weren't really snakes, just big roots from the plants. Both our kids, especially Maddox, love waterfalls and there were several at the Lodge. Robert and I very much enjoyed watching our kids having so much fun.

I love that Piper is old enough to walk next to me and hold my hand.

We found this great park where the kids played for a while. 

Then we grabbed lunch and chilled in front of some old goofy cartoons. 

Getting ready to ride the Big Train at Animal Kingdom 


Maddox totally enjoyed listening to this guy play... he was dancing around and doing "The Leg".

Mom and the kids in front of the new Fantasy Land at Magic Kingdom