Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Maddox is pulling up! I caught him trying to climb the stairs last weekend. It was so cute, seeing him try to lift one pudgy foot up. He is Mr. Independent and wants to be in the middle of everything. He loves playing with toys, my shoes, and the dogs leashes. 

Now that our patio is pretty much completed except for some stepping stones, we spent almost every evening and afternoon out there last weekend. The weather was amazing and we really enjoyed watching Maddox crawl around and explore. 

Maddox and daddy at the table

 doing a little yoga, "downward dog" to be precise 
 Oh No! I've been caught!

And the leash!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

YAY for nice weather!

Well, things have been going pretty well around here! We finally have nice weather!

Mothers day was very nice, Robert's family came over and his parents came down for a few days. 
We had a nice time on Sunday with a cookout and wonderful summer veggie's... 
I've been thinking about eating a fresh tomato and corn on the cob since last fall! 
It was a wonderful first mothers day for me. 
I have been so blessed with such a wonderful son! 
Praying that the second one is just as happy and joyful as Maddox is!

Our patio is coming just fine! In fact its almost finished. They have a few more pavers to put along the pathway behind the morning room and those should be done in the next few weeks. But the patio for the most part is done, the plants are in the plant beds and the trees are in the yard. It really looks nice. We are looking forward to spending a lot of time out there this summer. Maddox and I spend about an hour out there this morning while he chilled in his little pool. 

 We put a walk on the side of the house so we can get to the side 
garage door and the driveway from the back.

 This is before they fixed the yard... Lots of mud!

 Just out the morning room door.

Backyard view

We are hoping that the trees will fill in the space and eventually block the road from our house.

This is where they still have to finish the pavers.

 View from the the yard.

The other side of the morning room.