Thursday, February 21, 2013

Papa's Birthday Weekend

This past weekend Papa, Mimi and Abo drove down and spent the weekend with us.
We enjoyed having them, it was cold and snowy but we stayed warm and cozy, playing mostly in the basement. Maddox absolutely LOVES running around and chasing his cousins.
On Sunday afternoon we celebrated Papa's birthday. Kate brought her camera and took some great pictures. These are just a few.

Olivia, Piper, Kelcie, Mikaylee and Maddox

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nice little weekend...

We had a pretty chill weekend. Both kids have been under weather with colds. The doctor said the best thing to help clear their air passages is cold air and hot baths. So we did both, and as usual we spent as much time as possible outdoors.

Had a our good friends, the Forrest's, over Friday night. The kids ended up relaxing pants free. Good times!

Saturday morning we left the house anticipating a short walk around the block, but Madball had other ideas and we ended up going about 3.5 miles around town. Maddox rode his bike the whole way.

                                    Checking out the creek... always gotta stop and do that!

Robert had a bunch of work to get done this weekend. And being the awesome dad that he is, he set his laptop up in the middle of Madball's train and worked and played at the same time.

                        Maddox wrapped up the weekend by hanging with the bobby in the sled.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Afternoon Outdoors!

Today was beautiful! After a delicious lunch of PB&J, the kids and I decided to check up on the horses down the street and feed them some apples! Both Maddox and Piper love the horses and have no fear of them at all. Piper practically put her fingers in the horses mouth! It was very cute!
After feeding and petting the horses we came back and played in the driveway. Maddox tied his car to the wagon and took Piper for a "train" ride. He loves trains and this was very cool for him, we made train noises and everything!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Snow Night!

We decided it was too beautiful to stay in tonight while Robert shoveled the drive. So, we bundled up and played in the snow. It's a perfect winter night out... Fresh snow and no wind, it felt great to be out!

Robert and Piper shoveling the drive!

Maddox and Piper are playing on a little slide out front! Piper looks thrilled.

Maddox is wiping snow off the Jeep!

Maddox is shoveling snow back onto the drive!

Good times!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wonderful weekend!

On Thursday the Kirangi family came to stay with us for a few days! We are having a wonderful time with them. They are back from Kenya for a few months and we've loved having them the past few days! Jayden and Piper are of course best buds, not unlike Laura and myself.

Since we can't go to the pool this time of year, we've had bath time!

                                                                  Our Girls!!!

                                          Piper and Jayden played in the bounce house...

              Laura and I painted a canvas AND we got to go out by ourselves to Starbucks!!! Yay!

Robert, Piper, Kerah & Jayden... Piper is quite interested in Kerah's dreds!