Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Maddox and bike rides to the park!

Robert and I have been taking Maddox on bike rides to the park lately. We hook up the Burley to the back of Robert's bike and take off! He seems to really enjoy it. Its been a lot of fun for us and its been nice to do something a little bit different with him. We try to swing by the park and push him on the swing. He really loves to swing! 
Below is his first time on the teeter totter with his dad and I. He really likes that too! 

 When ever we stop pushing him he starts yelling... Not very good at getting out of the swing yet.

 Of course after a bike ride and sometime at the park, he zonks out for a nice nap!
 This is a family picture, we tried to get one of him smiling... never seems to turn out quite right!